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ECG: Electrocardiogram

ECG: Electrocardiogram

The ECG is often one of the first tests done in case of chest pain or shortness of breath. It is also performed for screening purposes. The ECG records the electrical activity of the heart. The test is safe, painless and takes only a few minutes.

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Holter Monitoring: 24 or 48 hours ECG

Holter Monitoring: 24 or 48 hours ECG

During a Holter monitoring, the heart's electrical activity is recorded for 24 or 48 hours, with a recording device during a normal daily life. Monitoring is painless and harmless.

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Monitoring of blood pressure 24 hours

Monitoring of blood pressure 24 hours

During a 24-hour blood pressure monitor, a device records the patient's blood pressure during their activities daily life. Monitoring is painless and harmless.

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Echocardiography of the Heart

Echocardiography of the Heart

By means of high frequency sound waves an echo device makes an image of the movement of the heart muscle, chambers, atria, and heart valves which are clearly visible. The ultrasound machine can produce films and make calculations. The test is painless.

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Cardiac stress test

Cardiac stress test

The cardiac stress test is a physical exercise on a treadmill. The treadmill exercise test is performed to discover abnormal heart beat, decrease in oxygen supply to the heart muscle, amount of blood to and from the heart, indicate coronary artery disease and overall cardiovascular condition of the patient.

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Measuring pacemakers

Measuring pacemakers

The heart normally beats at a regular rate, but it is possible that the heartbeat is irregular and / or too fast or too slow. In that case we speak of a cardiac arrhythmia. For a slow heartrate often there are no pharmacological (medication) treatments available. An implantable pacemaker may help. The implantation of a pacemaker can be an important decision with many possible psychosocial and practical consequences.

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Histamine challenge test

Histamine challenge test

Is a test that measures airway spasm and narrowing under controlled conditions. You will be asked to inhale an irritable and harmless substance (histamine or methacholine causing airway inflammation or mannitol causing dryness) to assess the reaction of the airway and its diameter.

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Pulmonary function

Pulmonary function

This study measures the amount of air being breathed in and out in a peaceful and forced manner. For this you have to inhale and exhale several times as instructed.

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In this study, the doctor examines the airways (bronchial system). The examination is performed with a bronchoscope. This is a thin, flexible hose that is inserted into the respiratory tract through the mouth or nose. The diameter of the airways are four times larger than the diameter of the largest bronchoscope. So you can easily continue breathing during the study. Preparation, examination and post-treatment take approximately two hours to complete.

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Arterial blood gas analysis

Arterial blood gas analysis

It is a measurement of the amount of oxygen and carbon dioxide present in the blood. This test also determines the acidity (pH) of the blood. To determine these values, it is necessary to examine the blood of an artery.

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Hyperventilation provocation test

Hyperventilation provocation test

No special preparation is required for this examination. You can eat and drink before the test. You can also use any medication as usual, unless the laboratory technician or doctor gives you other indications.

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Low Oxygen Breathing

Low Oxygen Breathing

This test is a measure of how the body reacts to an oxygen content of 15%. This content is equal to the high oxygen content in the mountains or in an airplane. The exam takes about an hour and a half.

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This test measures the resistance of the airways, how much effort it takes to breathe. The lung capacity is also measured. This test is done in a closed room that looks like a telephone booth. That is the so-called body box.

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Allergen skin test

Allergen skin test

An allergic reaction is an excessive reaction of the body to a substance that does not actually cause harm. A substance that causes such a reaction is called an allergen. Allergens are found in the air (house dust mites, pollen, animal dander, molds), in food, from insects, drugs and poisons, as well as in skin care products and perfumes.

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